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The “Cure” Controversy: Learn How the Power of Words Can Change Your Reality
There has been a lot written recently about the word “cure” and how triggering it can be for people who have chronic health conditions. Some people believe that the word “cure” can inspire false hope, or that being cured from a chronic or “incurable” condition can be misleading or even destructive.

I take a different stance.
Our words and our beliefs about ourselves and our circumstances matter greatly. Our mindsets are critical to our health, and to our very realities. I believe that if we truly want to restore ourselves to full, vibrant health then we can’t shy away from boldly pursuing a cure.

This is one of the topics that I dived into recently with the amazing people over at the Tick BootCamp podcast, as well as:

The Healing Framework

-Using a functional medicine approach, which is comprehensive and individualized
-Natural and effective supplements, avoiding OTCs and pharmaceuticals
-Habit hacks using an ancestral approach, focusing on sleep quality, stress management, nutrition, movement, and gut health
-Mindset and subconscious mind play a vital role in healing

Additional Healing Tools

-The use of psychedelics and hypnotism in healing
-The importance of being in a parasympathetic state for healing to occur
-Alternative options for those unable to do rigorous programs

The Number One Thing Doctors Aren’t Talking About
-Importance of addressing all aspects of one’s life, not just physical symptoms
-Taking responsibility for one’s own health and not solely relying on doctors
-And a whole lot more!

If you have not met the inspiring and supportive people over at the Tick BootCamp podcast yet, I am so excited to introduce you! Listen to the whole episode here:
 YES! I’m Ready To Join “Group Profit Mastery” Today!
 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5.0 Stars (81 Ratings) 

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Now Check Out a Few of my client wins...

Want To Know What It's Like To Work With Dr. Christine Arseneau?

How Beverley experienced a great restoration of health from her Lyme disease diagnosis using my Empowered Healing coaching methods!
Unlocking Healing Potential: Sandy's Mindset Shift and Lyme Recovery
Real Deal Testimonial: Nicole Shares the Game-Changing Power of Dr. Christine's Unique Approach
Melissa's Lyme Journey with the Support of Dr. Christine Arseneau's Coaching Methods
Breaking Free from Anxiety in Just 5 Sessions: A Client's Success Story and the Power of the Mind
Unleashing the Power Within Through Hypnosis: Fatima’s Journey of Healing, Growth & Transformation
Rewriting the Script: Brandi's Remarkable Healing Journey with Dr. Christine Arseneau
Kari's Chronic Lyme Disease Results - Dr. Christine Arseneau

More Client Win Snapshots!

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