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Women's Radio Network: Part One Why is Lyme Disease So Hard to Diagnose?

In Part One of my 4-part series on Women’s Radio with Pat Lynch, we get into:
My story of fighting through Lyme disease to regain the robust good health and fullness of life I craved.

What about Lyme disease makes it so difficult to diagnose, and treat.
And more!
I know firsthand that healing from Lyme disease is never simple, but it IS possible with the right support. This healing support is what I offer my clients in my transformative programs: Joint Pain Away, Surviving Lyme- 90 Days to Navigate Your Disease and Reclaim Your Health! and Survive to Thrive Chronic Illness. Thse programs are based upon techniques and functional medicine approaches that helped heal my Lyme disease, and have helped numerous clients.

Listen to learn more about how I overcame chronic Lyme disease to living the pain free, joy filled life that I enjoy now.
My philosophy is that true healing comes from within and that by addressing mind, body AND soul you can overcome symptoms and live a vibrant life full of purpose.

Dr. Christine Arseneau, Pharm.D., FMCHC has been in healthcare for 14 years as a pharmacist, functional medicine certified health coach, and cannabis consultant. She is an entrepreneur who thinks outside the box after overcoming a lifetime of chronic Lyme disease.
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Create Your Plan Back to Health So You Can Live A Vibrant and Energetic Life Again

“Here’s A Quick Recap Of What You’re Gonna Get When You Get Started Today...”


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Now Check Out a Few of my client wins...

Want To Know What It's Like To Work With Dr. Christine Arseneau?

How Beverley experienced a great restoration of health from her Lyme disease diagnosis using my Empowered Healing coaching methods!
Unlocking Healing Potential: Sandy's Mindset Shift and Lyme Recovery
Real Deal Testimonial: Nicole Shares the Game-Changing Power of Dr. Christine's Unique Approach
Melissa's Lyme Journey with the Support of Dr. Christine Arseneau's Coaching Methods
Breaking Free from Anxiety in Just 5 Sessions: A Client's Success Story and the Power of the Mind
Unleashing the Power Within Through Hypnosis: Fatima’s Journey of Healing, Growth & Transformation
Rewriting the Script: Brandi's Remarkable Healing Journey with Dr. Christine Arseneau
Kari's Chronic Lyme Disease Results - Dr. Christine Arseneau

More Client Win Snapshots!

The Success Stories Keep Coming in... Are You Next ?

Get On Track To Overcome Lyme In the Next 90 Days!

If you qualify to work with me, I'm confident my process will work for you to get on track to overcoming Lyme while tackling your most pressing Lyme symptoms along the way.

Book Your 1:1 Breakthrough Blueprint Call Below Today

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